Thursday, February 10, 2011

Almost 3 and sharing food

I can hardly believe Sunday is Cassie's time to turn 3. wow time has flown. My little girl, who used to be so very small I could almost hold her in one hand, and certianly with one arm is getting big. Last night I held her, and looked in the mirror and she goes all the way down to my knees.

She was so little she was too small for the baby carrier and it took forever for her to hit double digits in weight. Cass used to say I ok, and uh oh skettidoh - these days she says almost everything perfect, and is learning so many words every day.

in fact today she fed Marcus a slice of sausage becasue she loves her little brother without thinking of the fact he is not quite ready for a full piece of food. A big girl she has become and I could not be more proud of the little lady Mike and I have had a small hand in creating. She is a joy and a handful. and all ours.

She said that after you turn 3, you are 4 and then 16 so you can drive the car.....I really hope it does not go that fast.

Marcus today was swaddled in bed having a nap and when I went in to check him, he was on his tummy. First time he got there in bed. He is working so hard at crawling. I keep expecting to see him get it all going together at any minute.

Party prep tommorow....

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