Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter 2010

Cassie and Marcus holding hands
Danika on the slide

Playdate with Danika and Dawson today
Today Cassie and Marcus played with Dawson and Danika - we painted, colored, did stickers, played outside and ate and ate. Gotta love warm winter days with the little ones.
Marcus is getting very good at sitting and now has 2 teeth on the bottom. Fingers crossed the next ones come in with a little less fuss.
It is amazing to see how big Cassie is getting, the amount she knows and learns is crazy. She now knows here full name, she talks in adult talk, full sentences and a fabulous vocabulary. She is jumping on one foot, which was quite a hard learning curve. Cass can peddle her bike and jump right off the couch. I cannot even list all the things, but I am going to try so I can look back and remember all the miles stones that are happening.
The one thing we are doing really well is potty training, she goes in the potty pretty often and remembers. We are going "no diapers" at home and so far so good.
More to come, but I am trying to stay on top of blogging.

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