Friday, September 23, 2011

Perth News

Perth news, we are all surviving here, enjoying the day today as there was sun in the sky for the whole day....rain has been around for the past week or so.

We have a busy week coming up since we are moving into our rental house on Friday - thats right at long last our stuff is here and we have a place to put it.  I cannot tell you how excited i am to have my couch, my bed and all my books along with the kids stuff too. 

I sit here and am watching Anne of Green Gables, which I found on DVD last week.  Ahhh does it bring back memories, and for any other fans out there, I am going to turn it off before Matthew dies, because I can not stand to weep so hard until I cannot breathe!

The other day Mike asked Cassie what colour Marcus was - we had been talking about animals before.  She said |" He is not a colour because I love him"  Out of the mouthes of babes.  She is one smart girl.

Not much else new, just watching Marcus everyday running, jumping and being all boy all the time.  Cassie is turning into a little grown up girl.  Everyday astounding me with her stories and actions. 

It is hard to believe that in less then 5 months we will be adding a new little one to the crowd, girl or boy who knows but either way a handful of fun I am sure.


TamaliMama said...

Less than 5 months! Shit time flies where are the belly pics?

Laura's Blog said...

yes more pics please!!!!

TamaliMama said...

Sept 23rd....hmmm something else happened that day....what was it? HE he he he he 39!