Sunday, September 25, 2011

A weekend in Perth

Wow - what a weekend.  We spent time at  the beach, reading and playing in the sand, and then today went to Lion King 3D, with Cassie and Marcus.  Cassie did great, a little scared of Scar but for the most part great.  Marcus did well considering his age and attention span.  He sat through until about 30 minutes in and then I went a walked the lobby until Simba decided to go back to Pride Rock - not as much as I wanted to see, but not bad.

Tonight Cassie requested to be a pizza chef again, so off we went to the store, ham, pineapple 1000 lbs of cheese and sauce.   Yummmm.  She ate one piece under day she will come home and devour food I am sure.

Marcus fell off the table today and gave himself the third fat lip of the week.  I am seriously thinking a helmet or bubble wrap might be in order.

So excited to move into our house this week.  Space, room, and a bathtub I am in heaven.

Well Mike is back at work getting ready for the week and my small seconds of computer time is up now that Cassie wants to play something - she is choosing, that usually takes 20 minutes.

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