Monday, August 23, 2010

A Shocking Post from the Lady who Never Blogs!

August 2010 - Cassie in the bouncy castle at the Farmer's Market. This is a relatively new thing - liking bouncy toys, and she was flinging herself around for an hour with Cyrus while the two little boys looked on. Teris was chewing everything he could get his teeth into and Marcus was hanging around in the Ergo watching the world go by.

It's hard to believe we already have an almost 2 month old son, and that summer is already drawing to a close. Time flys when you are having fun.

I am spending as much time outside with the munchkins as I can while trying to also fit in some cleaning and organizing of the house. It would probably be called Spring cleaning, but considering I was working, largely pregnant and on bed rest for a while, our spring cleaning migrated to the late summer.

Marcus is getting big, coming home at 7.8lbs and getting right into double digits with 11.8lbs by week 4. At this point I would imagine he is over the 12lb mark. He is eating great, sleeping okay and keeping me on my toes with a touch of colic. Fingers crossed the worse will be over in another couple of weeks.

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