Hi all,
The few who still follow the worst updated blog. Sorry.
Things in Perth have been getting busy, we have joined a playgroup on Mondays, have library reading time on Friday mornings, and have bought a car, and rented a house in the last week.
Today I have been making arrangements for Cassie to start Kindy in February, like pre-school back home, and also trying to get both Cassie and Marcus into Swimming lessons.
Otherwise things here are good, apparently our shipment has arrived and now needs to be in quarantine for a couple of weeks. Only a little more time and then we will be into our place and settling in.
The kids are growing and thriving, Marcus is getting eye teeth and still believes most of the time sleeping is optional! He is climbing everything and does not think the word no means anything, except do it again.
Cassie is growing up quick, seeming older everyday. Her language and negotiation skills are impressive, and I think we will have a run for our money when she does really want something! Like Dora tickets, who is coming live in October. Yes, we are taking her.
All is well down under, we are getting adjusted and trying to make this feel a little like home.
Below are some photos - some at home and some since we've gotten here
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