What is new with us, well we have heard
from many people that we do not update the blog enough, and I really know that is true when I can never remeber the password to sign in!!
This summer and fall are flying by - I am sure as a factor of 2 kids and tons of activities on a weekly basis.
Cassie has turned this year into a great joy. She is talking like a real little human, and realizing she is funny. Every day is just a bundle of laughs, tears and hugs. There is much drawing and coloring, many trips to the park - both the little girl and the big girl park, learning how to peddle the pink trike from her aunties on her birthday. We had to wait a while until our legs were long enough to reach the peddles.
Imaginary play is a huge part of our time and creating order out of chaos is key. Cassie makes parades of everything - puzzle pieces, game cards, stuffies, crayons etc. Everything has to be lined up in their places all the time.
Marcus is growing like crazy, at 3 months he was already almost 15 lbs and 25.5" long! A huge change from Cassie who did not break double digets until after her 5 months birthday.
He is trying to sit, and has turned over already both ways A joy that Mike got to see the first time. He talks all the time and seems like he has said both mama and dada more then once. He is so in love with Cassie and is always content if she is playing near by. Most of his time is spent trying to get his feet into his mouth or chewing on various toys.
Halloween this year was great. Cassie was little red riding hood, and marcus went to a couple of parties as a cow, and then out trick or treating as a little bear.
The more the days pass the more I realize how fast these moments go, and how much I already forget. It makes me a little sad to see them growing and changing. I like all the learning moments and funny actions as they learn the ways of the world. I can't explain how fun it is to watch the little ones get bigger. Even Cassie knows I want her to stay little....wishful thinking!
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