Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas 2010

Tis the season for cookies, naps and decorating the tree. Cassie is crazy for decorating the tree, I went out and bought some chocolate decorations which Cassie put on the tree and a couple in her mouth. Mr. Marcus is back to his teething tricks - now we have another one coming on the bottom. 2 in, and 3 coming. All he wants for christmas must be his teeth.

Today we went to Nolan's house for a little party, and the kids had a blast. The mommies also enjoyed a little time visiting and chatting about - what else, our kids!!!

I am very excitied to see Cassie open gifts in the morning, she talks about Santa all the time, and today when I was taking Marcus out of the car, and walked into her, said I was not good and Santa would know!! I'll try and be better ....

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mommy it is a beautiful day - the sun is in my eyes

Movember Mike, who knew?
Marcus sitting and chewing, some of our favorite things

Mmmmmmm, toes

Eighties side pony, what a cutie

Cassie has some wild hair - you would think we never brushed it!

Marcus in the Jolly jumper - Cassie has to be told a lot to stop helping him jump........

The things kids say are great. I was on my way to Shannon's house for a playdate and like usual I was running behind, cursing the fact the windshield washer fluid is still not working, and the slow guy in front of us, and Cassie says out of no where "it's a beautiful day" sure enough I looked around and realized it was ward, sunny and snowy on the ground. One of my favorite views. I could see the mountains and was headed to a playdate I enjoy as much as the kids, since Shannon and I get to chat and spend time now they are back from the states.

Smell the roses I thought, this onlys lasts a short time!!

Well we played and ate and played again, and then headed home to visit with Grant, a good friend.

Marcus was so cute last night, I was getting giggles without having to tickle him. He was laughing cause I was laughing, so very contagious it is. I thought I would add some other photos from the last couple of weeks.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter 2010

Cassie and Marcus holding hands
Danika on the slide

Playdate with Danika and Dawson today
Today Cassie and Marcus played with Dawson and Danika - we painted, colored, did stickers, played outside and ate and ate. Gotta love warm winter days with the little ones.
Marcus is getting very good at sitting and now has 2 teeth on the bottom. Fingers crossed the next ones come in with a little less fuss.
It is amazing to see how big Cassie is getting, the amount she knows and learns is crazy. She now knows here full name, she talks in adult talk, full sentences and a fabulous vocabulary. She is jumping on one foot, which was quite a hard learning curve. Cass can peddle her bike and jump right off the couch. I cannot even list all the things, but I am going to try so I can look back and remember all the miles stones that are happening.
The one thing we are doing really well is potty training, she goes in the potty pretty often and remembers. We are going "no diapers" at home and so far so good.
More to come, but I am trying to stay on top of blogging.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas is coming - and so are Marcus's teeth!

Well - like usual I am falling behind in blogging. Apparently one of the things to get misplaced when you have 2 small monkeys is spare time, or even uninterupted minutes where I can sit here and fill in our days news.

Things that have been going on are: Marcus got his first tooth this week on Monday and the other bottom one is so close. The top 2 are also close, I can see them right under the skin. Needless to say we have been up lots and using Baby abasol like it is going out of style.

Cassie had a chrsitmas cookie decorating party this week, and had all her friends over to visit and decorate sugar cookies. What fun they had, Cassie enjoyed eating icing right off the knife and putting sprinkles on. She did a wonderful job of her chrsitmas trees and ginger men and the candy canes. I think we will make some more cookies in the next couple weeks and decorate for the chrsitmas dinners we have coming up.

Marcus is now starting to sit up and doing a wonderful job at balence - speaking of that Cassie now can do a little dance on the Bumbo chair, by standing on the sides and wiggling. Very impressive for an almost 3 year old.

More later, I now have 2 mini humans yelling at me!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Photo Fun

Update - Sept, Oct 2010

What is new with us, well we have heard from many people that we do not update the blog enough, and I really know that is true when I can never remeber the password to sign in!!

This summer and fall are flying by - I am sure as a factor of 2 kids and tons of activities on a weekly basis.

Cassie has turned this year into a great joy. She is talking like a real little human, and realizing she is funny. Every day is just a bundle of laughs, tears and hugs. There is much drawing and coloring, many trips to the park - both the little girl and the big girl park, learning how to peddle the pink trike from her aunties on her birthday. We had to wait a while until our legs were long enough to reach the peddles.

Imaginary play is a huge part of our time and creating order out of chaos is key. Cassie makes parades of everything - puzzle pieces, game cards, stuffies, crayons etc. Everything has to be lined up in their places all the time.

Marcus is growing like crazy, at 3 months he was already almost 15 lbs and 25.5" long! A huge change from Cassie who did not break double digets until after her 5 months birthday.

He is trying to sit, and has turned over already both ways A joy that Mike got to see the first time. He talks all the time and seems like he has said both mama and dada more then once. He is so in love with Cassie and is always content if she is playing near by. Most of his time is spent trying to get his feet into his mouth or chewing on various toys.

Halloween this year was great. Cassie was little red riding hood, and marcus went to a couple of parties as a cow, and then out trick or treating as a little bear.

The more the days pass the more I realize how fast these moments go, and how much I already forget. It makes me a little sad to see them growing and changing. I like all the learning moments and funny actions as they learn the ways of the world. I can't explain how fun it is to watch the little ones get bigger. Even Cassie knows I want her to stay little....wishful thinking!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


All dressed in my outfit from Grandpa and Grandma Pam It is a serious job, holding the baby

Not happy at all

I am so cute laying on the floor, what great muscles I have

I am too big for my Bassette! Already at 1.5 months

Summer 2010

Cassie and Marcus hanging out on the bed
Auntie Sarah meets Marcus

Uncle Andy, Cassie and Auntie Sarah chillin' in the sun

Auntie kiki and Cassie getting ready to eat some BBQ

Pretty toes, Cassie and Mommy did their nails!

Sketti -doh!

Today is a rainy, blah day so since the kids are both sleeping I thought I would try and get some blogging done. I also learned that the new computer has a place for the SD card from the Camera, so downloading photos takes no time - what a great situation.

Cassie has learned to say uh oh sketti - doh when something falls or just cause we laugh so hard when she says it.

This week Marcus laughed for the first time when I was changing the most explosive poop he has ever made! I was clearly making a face and he thought it was funny, I then wiped his side up to his arm pit and he laughed! Greatest noise on the planet. I still soetimes will tickle Cassie right on her hip bones, the most tickly spot on her just to hear that full belly giggle.

What else have we been up to...we went to the Corn Maze last week and had a great time going down slides, Cassie's favorite thing and looking at the farm animals. The sheep came quickly to investigate her, and that was a little scary, but she really enjoyed the baby goats, and the bouncy pillow. Her and Kayden jumped and jumped, all the while Marcus slept while me or Christine sat on the bouncy so Marcus could stay moving. He is still a great lover of the car, as long as there is no stopping while he is trying to fall asleep.

We also went to a wedding in Banff, and got a chance to have Greek lunch with GiGi, and then Cassie and Marcus got to have a date with GiGi in the hotel room while Mommy and daddy got to dance. How handy I just went upstairs to feed Marcus when mom called to say he needed me.

The ret of the long weekend was spent watching Mad Men, Mike and I are completely addicted to it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The end of Summer 2010

Hard to believe that the summer is now officially over, heading to the Calgary Corn Maze tomorrow and need to find some patterns for the halloween costumes for Cassie and Marcus.

Today we got to spend some time with Dani and Dawson - playing outside, eating dirt and eating mac and cheese. Then we got to spend time with the little man next door, Cassie's favorite man on the block.

Hopefully I will get time to post some photos of the kids and the summer in the next couple of days

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Colic and Crazy!!

This summer has been too short and yet some days seem to go on forever. Marcus is suffering from Colic, and so feels the need to cry a ton, and sleep very little during the day and not well in the night.

It is proving a little tough to keep Cassie happy and moving when Marcus demands so much holding and rocking and just general attention. Often my little lady is having to be very patient while Mommy yet again feeds, rocks and sings to Marcus in the hopes he will be happy.

That being said, Marcus is wonderful addition to the family as we know this too will pass, and since he started smiling a couple of weeks ago, I will do anything to get that sideways grin and hint of a dimple he has going on.

It is also wonderful to not have to worry about him growing, as he is already over 12lbs and eating like he may never see another meal - it is hard to say who he resembles in this more, Mike or Uncle Devon.

Today was filled with sunshine, and a pool party in the back yard. Cassie has her best friend K, who is a cute, slightly older man that loves a good splash and can't wait for Cassie to come out and play - as I said to his Mom today, thank goodness we like each other, given the kids want to be together 24/7

Well fingers crossed for another couple of weeks of sun, and hopefully Marcus will stop crying long enough for me to get some photos of them outside enjoying the remaining sunny days.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Shocking Post from the Lady who Never Blogs!

August 2010 - Cassie in the bouncy castle at the Farmer's Market. This is a relatively new thing - liking bouncy toys, and she was flinging herself around for an hour with Cyrus while the two little boys looked on. Teris was chewing everything he could get his teeth into and Marcus was hanging around in the Ergo watching the world go by.

It's hard to believe we already have an almost 2 month old son, and that summer is already drawing to a close. Time flys when you are having fun.

I am spending as much time outside with the munchkins as I can while trying to also fit in some cleaning and organizing of the house. It would probably be called Spring cleaning, but considering I was working, largely pregnant and on bed rest for a while, our spring cleaning migrated to the late summer.

Marcus is getting big, coming home at 7.8lbs and getting right into double digits with 11.8lbs by week 4. At this point I would imagine he is over the 12lb mark. He is eating great, sleeping okay and keeping me on my toes with a touch of colic. Fingers crossed the worse will be over in another couple of weeks.