Thursday, July 17, 2008


Well, I have spent the last couple of weeks debating what to do about work and Cassie and life in general. I am going back to work - at least for now. I am either going back in October or February and so once that was decided I had to think about child care.

Ohhhh a Mom's worst nightmare who can take better care of Cassie then me? Or at the very least who will love her enough? laugh at her spitting and spitting up and generally not mind 9000 dirty diapers a day, poo on my pants and my face being slapped by the little angel who learned how to make funny noises on Mommy's face!

Mike and I have decided to go with a Nanny - she can be at home, with her stuff and have her own schedule stay the same. Also since she is little we want to make sure there is enough time one - on - one so she learns and grows and plays all the time.

I am sure me getting used to this over the next little while will be traumatic and I have so far had one, maybe two break downs, but at the end of the day I think she will be okay, and I will last.....

This week Cassie is learning she has hands and looking at them with tons of fascination. She also is trying to make a motorboat noise.

Lots of fun! Being a Mom is great fun all the time. If only I could keep on top of the baby laundry.

More later

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