Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Moving and Growing
I am getting big, now I am 15lbs as of a couple of weeks ago. I am also only drinking a bottle now, so what a big girl I am .
I get a new bedroom soon, since we are moving. My mom is crazy packing and cleaning and trying to get everything in order.
You can see me here, I am the little flower and my cousin Cyrus is the lion with the blue feet! We got to hang out with some cute little babies on Halloween Day!
I have now learned to sit up myself and how to clap and I can also wave goodbye.
You can see I am still enjoying my baths, here I am with Uncle Devon. I believe this is the first time he dealt with a diaper, although it was only putting a clean one on!
What else is new with me??? I am eating like crazy and I love food, especially green beans.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
My new world
Here i am playing in my exersaucer! So much to look at and play with
Me, Granny and Cy at his 1st birthday wow is he old...........
I love parties with all my family and pretty birthday hats
Lately i have been practicing getting up on all fours and wiggling my bum to get ready to crawl. i have also learned to yell like crazy if i want more food, or to change locations.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Back Again
I am also still on the great debate about work and the plan there also trying to determine if we could buy a house and have a back yard for the crazy doggie.
More later - but not the same day
A whole new world
She is also eating up a storm - tonight she had Bananas and Mandarin oranges, which she loved. She has also started eating baby crackers - which is amazing to see the dexterity of her hands to maneuver the treat into her mouth.
She is crazy about standing and loves time on her belly now, although she will flip over and over as well as move her torso until she is facing the preferred direction.
At 7.5 months it is amazing to see how fast she changes and grows.
More photos will be to come and hopefully I will find time to post more often.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sorry so delayed
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A rainy day in the neighbourhood!
I also believe we must be close to needing #2 diapers based on the number of crazy explosions we have had in the last little bit - we managed to have splatter from belly button to top of diaper in the back and coverage on both ribs! Fun times in my laundry room with oxy baby!
Otherwise all is good in the kingdom, we are loving sitting up and addicted to the Jolly Jumper. Last night Granddad came to put a hook in the ceiling so we can jump in the living room - now all we need is a little more chain!
Well the little one is up again from her 28 minute nap so off I go.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Frequent Blogger!
The weather in Calgary is crazy for July, rain, hail and thunder all day.
That is all for now - baby is awake.
Check out - Very cool gift idea
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Ohhhh a Mom's worst nightmare who can take better care of Cassie then me? Or at the very least who will love her enough? laugh at her spitting and spitting up and generally not mind 9000 dirty diapers a day, poo on my pants and my face being slapped by the little angel who learned how to make funny noises on Mommy's face!
Mike and I have decided to go with a Nanny - she can be at home, with her stuff and have her own schedule stay the same. Also since she is little we want to make sure there is enough time one - on - one so she learns and grows and plays all the time.
I am sure me getting used to this over the next little while will be traumatic and I have so far had one, maybe two break downs, but at the end of the day I think she will be okay, and I will last.....
This week Cassie is learning she has hands and looking at them with tons of fascination. She also is trying to make a motorboat noise.
Lots of fun! Being a Mom is great fun all the time. If only I could keep on top of the baby laundry.
More later
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
5 months and Hawaii
Me and Mommy in Hawaii - light skin needs a full cover and hats fit for the Queen.
We are getting ready to head up Diamond Head.
What else is new with me, well I have turned over and connot be contained by swaddling anymore - I can wiggle and get right to the end of my crib.
Cassie is now sleeping in her crib for most of the night. I was somewhat tramatized when we got back from Hawaii and she was touching the end of the bassient. I suppose it is time she goes to her own room. She is still waking up at night sometimes more then once, something she started when we were in Hawaii and something I am hoping stops soon.
She swam in the ocean, and played in her little turdle floater item. It has a sun shade and leg holes so she could feel the ocean. The waves were a little scary but by the end she was enjoying the water with cousin Cyrus. Mainly her most favorite activity was sleeping on the beach - with Mommy and Granny and her nightly get ready for bed walks with Dad and Grandpa.
We all spent time getting a Canadian red tan! Mike turned a beautiful brown and I have a few more freckles and a sun burn line to show for my efforts.
Cassie is now sitting unassisted for 10 seconds before toppling, if she has a pillow she can rebabalance some of the time. She is Jolly Jumper crazy and loves spinning and practicing river danse. She also feels she must keep her mouth wide open and so we have a blanket on the floor to catch spit.
She also loves standing, and can keep up really well, she likes you holding her hands and swaying to the music in her head!
Giggles and laughs erupt out of her and this morning she spent the whole drive downtown babbling and looking out the window.
All in all our little one is getting big and learning and doing something new every day.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Changing every day
Hi Everyone, I have had a very busy couple of weeks.
I have learned how to turn from my stomach to my back! Huge milestone and I did it on May 30th at my friend Danika's house. I can sit up without holding for a little bit - couple of seconds and am loving the independence. I am also screeching. A noise I am so thrilled to make it is when I am happy and also when I have had enough and need a rest.
We are getting ready to go on holiday and the 6 hours in a plane will be fun for Mom and Dad if I screech the whole way!
My cousin Cyrus is crawling so my plan is to watch carefully on holiday and learn all I can.
I had my four month shots and did really well - I also got my hips checked and they are now 100% perfect and I don't have to go back to the Childrens Hospital.
That s all for now folks I have to get ready for my vacation
I actually fell asleep playing with my binoculars!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
About Time
I am getting big, the scale at Grannies says I am 10lbs and 6oz. We will have to check when I get my next shots. Mom has to remember to book those today.
I am a drooling machine and loving eating whatever I can get in my mouth, mainly my clothes.
Cassie's Mom here - thought I would write a little. She is really smiling now and loves to grin back at you. When Dad comes home her little face lights up and she is just so in love.
She is also noticing Sasha's tail and keeps an eye on the crazy dog as she runs by.
There are times when she just wants Mom and prefers to be held tight and rocked - I love it such a nice cuddle.
She is defiantly getting longer, as she has already outgrown sleepers she borrowed from Nolan a couple of weeks ago.
Well I am off to play.....
Monday, April 28, 2008
What a BUSY Week!
Today we are going to the zoo to show Cassie real monkeys since we call her monkey all the time. The weather is warm and sunny and so we need to do something outside.
Last night Mike made the best Salmon I have ever had, and I am sad there are no left overs. We will just have to do it again soon.
Cassie has a great sleep schedule bed at midnight and sleep to 6am, except last night we got up at 2am and still got up for good at 6 - not rest for the mama, but when I wake up to a cute little baby smile it could be every hour!
I think Sasha is going to miss Grandpa the most, she loves having him here.
Well more later when I have a couple of minutes.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sunny Grandparents here!
My Grandpa and Grandma from Arizona came to stay with us for a week and so Mom has been cleaning and organizing the house like a crazy person so it looks nice - Daddy even got into it and did the basement and the spare room so they could sleep in a bed and not on the floor!
I am enjoying all of the cuddles and eagarly awaiting enchiladas for dinner tonight - I do realize that as a baby I only get to eat it via Mom, but even then it will still be great if the smell is any indication.
I am getting so long - all of my sleepers are too short for my long legs, my toes are curling at the ends to fit - Mommy is filling up the newborn clothes box in the closet, shopping time for me!
What else have I been up to, oh yeah I have been chatting away, last night to Mommy and Daddy and wiggling on the bed like a little worm. They are so excited to see how big I am getting and how fun it is to see me exploring and discovering my surrondings.
Sasha, my puppy is so happy to have my grandpa here, she loves him and she also listens really well to him, something interesting and new for her too!
Well I should go and have a nap all this typing considering how little my fingers are, it takes a little work.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
My Medical Trauma!
Wednesday night is when things started - Mom was feeding me and cuddling like usual I was relaxed and enjoying my time with her. She started to give me what felt like a nice hand massage, taking each of my fingers and making a clicking sound. I did not know what was coming - she CUT me!!! Yes people the woman who loves me unconditionally cut my finger with the nail clippers, which are obviously a baby torture device, and since I am a girl, maybe I like long nails. I guess I have no say.
The event by itself would not be bad, and truth be told Mommy felt horrid, i think she cried with me, and I certinly will remember her promise to do anything to have me stop sobbing!
The next day was wonderful I hung out with Mom and watched as she cleaned the house, a good time always. Then they both bundled me into the car and went get this time I had no idea what this meant. We get there and like usual I get weighed, yeah 9lbs! I am getting big, and I am 21'' long now - watch out Cyrus I am catching up.
Then we went into a room and I got to sit on Daddy's lap, when the lady who seemed nice jabbed me twice in one leg and once in the other. What the hell sort of plan is this, I am not exposed to any diseases I am a BABY!
And now you are all thinking I must be done, Nope I had to go to the Children's hopspital, which is very cool, they have 2 cows on the inside and lots of fun toys and bright colors, and a very funny Dr. who looked at my hips...If I had known it was such a big deal to be bum down in Mommy I could have moved, just no one ever asked! So my hips seemed ok to the ultrasound lady and the Dr who made great faces at me, I will know when I go to the Dr on Monday, but it should be an ok appointment, and then I get to see Aunt Sarah!!! Yeah.
My Grandpa was at the ultrasound and that was really cool I was able to make him put my suckie back in my mouth 127 times in a row, and never a complaint - that is the sign of a good grandparent.
Well so that was my week, getting stabbed and rotated and cut and measured by all sorts of people, but I am pleased to report I am fine, Mommy has a small complex about cutting my nails, so I currently have a couple long, a couple shots and one small wound, I am sure she will get back on the wagon one of these days - or maybe make Daddy do it.
Calgary today is crazy, there is a ton of snow and it is cold so I am spending the day inside in a fuzzy sleeper and just doing nothing.
I also wanted to mention how much I have been smiling, and starting to coo a lot more, Mom and Dad just love the sounds and their faces light up whenever I smile at them, they are so easy to please.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A Date with Daddy!
She seemed ok for the most part when we dropped her off, although I think she kissed my head 100 times before getting out of the car! She only called once after dinner to make sure I had eaten since Daddy had tro give me a bottle and I had not had one in a while. She seemed very excited I puked on Daddy, since I do it to her 100 times a day.
This morning was a great example, I was so excited to have my milk machine back I went a little crazy, trying to eat more then my small belly would hold, poor Mom she was so happy to shower and have clean clothes on that I had to get sick all over them, and back down to the laundry she went to see if anything bigger then 3 months was clean for her...hehe
What else is new, well I got to go for a walk with Nolan and Paul from my baby class yesterday and it was amazing to see how much bigger they are then me, I guess that is good since they are boys!
Today is very sunny and I think we are walking later, maybe we will take Crazy Sasha - my doggie who is very hairy and loves me a ton, she is very protective and makes sure no people come up to me.
Luna, the kitty is also starting to realize I am here to stay, I am not sure she is thrilled considering now I snuggle in Bed in the mornings and I always get food and cuddles so she has started to climb on the couch in the evenings and place herself on Mommy or Daddy and wiggle until she is petted, what an attention hog!!!
I am getting excited for my visist with my other Grandpa and Grand ma next week, they are coming to see me, and maybe will spend time with my uncles too!
Well I probably need to eat again considering Mom is trying to make lunch, I have really started to like cuddling on the couch and bouncing on Mom's knee, she sings and makes horsey noises, which I think are very funny!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The beginning
I am getting used to living with Mom and Dad, they are kinda crazy, Dad is a hockey nut and is watching the Flames constantly, actually Mommy says all he does is watch sports highlights.
I MUST wear my jersey and my socks and sometimes my flames head band, and make sure I am awake for the game, if possible. I am very glad Mom and Dad got a big enough TV so I don't feel like I am missing anything.
Right now I am taking my first nap in my crib, up until now I have been sleeping in the bassinet and sometimes in my play pen. The crib is cool I am mesmorized with the mobile, I love the little animals rotating.
I am also learning to keep my soother in my mouth for longer then 30 seconds, I do feel Mom gets a little exasperated with replacing it 100 times in 10 seconds, it is a great game, shhh don't tell her!
I am also getting so smily, there is nothing better then watching the look on Mommy and Daddy's faces when I smile at them, they love it, I am so cute and lovable, even with the most explosive diaper yesterday Daddy still sang to me.
Well more later I must sleep - Ahhh the life