Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A long time coming

Ok - so my attempt and promise to blog more is not working out so well, and I am not sure that going back to work is going to help! I will do my best, which by the way is what you have seen so far.

Today I had dinner with the Sisters, kids and various husbands, and boyfriend. Cy and Cass spent a ton of time out in the yard making dirty pies, dirty cookies and dirty juice. They all had the same ingredients dirt, then snow and water. They were covered in mud, and loving it.
I looked out the window to see Cy dumping water on Cassie. I headed out to strongly suggest we dont do that, and I heard Cassie saying "dont dump water on me, I am going to tell my Mommy!" Ahhhh the joys of little ones. I get to be her savior and I love it.

Marcus is now a crazy crawling, climbing and moving machine. He has the best grin when you say Marcus NO, and he looks over his shoulder and grins as if to say, Are you going to stop me? I dont think so.

I am really enjoying the moments between them. They hold hands and Cassie gets stuff for him all the time. She also likes dragging him around by his hand or leg, since he thinks it is the funniest thing ever.

Feeding himself is the new craze and he is getting good at food in the mouth, although Cherrios are still the main color of my floor.

Cassie and Mike now spend a little time every evening playing "I go fast you go fast" Originally she wated to call it You go fast, I go faster, but Mike was not so into that game! They race around the hall and upstairs chasing each other, and Cassie jumps onto the couch or Mike catches her. Such a relaxing game before bed.....