Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another post

Today I was looking to see when Cassie said her first word, and I realized I only posted once in 2009, wow was I bad. So ok I will post more.

Marcus is crawling like crazy, pulling up and on saturday let go and stood all by himself. Not too shabby for 8.5 months. Cassie is crazy and loves to dress up and change clothes 100 times a day, regardless of what I say about not wanting to do so much laundry!

Marcus also said "up" 6 times on the weekend, his first real word. Mike did not beleive me, but then he said it to him....growing too fast. Cassie is asking us what is that word now when we read to her, and she is so focused on letters. Very cool stage.

I am getting ready to go back to work, much to my dismay, but a paycheck will be greatly appreciated.

More soon
Maybe even photos