Thursday, January 20, 2011

More photos

Gotta love eating my fingers

Mommy and Marcus opening presents christmas morning.


Cassie, so excited about decorating the tree!

Marcus man loving life

Crafty time

Such a happy girl - a little staticy

2011 A better blogging year

well like usual i am trying to blog with one hand while i hold the amazing no sleep baby. 2 naps in the car today for total 22 minutes and 45 minutes in the crib....add that to the night of from 1 to 7, getting up 5 times and i could be a member of the walking dead cast without makeup!

Other news that is fit to print...Marcus now has 5 teeth, three on the top and 2 on the bottom. He is sitting up without help and really getting into the backbend while on the floor. Last night Cassie and Marcus had their first bath! In the kid bathroom together. Lots of fun when the splashing started!

Cassie is now in playschool - she is going 2 times a week and really enjoying her time away from mommy and Marcus. She also likes getting to be miss independent with her friends and her teachers.

One of our best achomplishments of 2011 so far is the potty training. Cassie has done wonderful since boxing day when she gave up her suckie and also traded diapers for panties. What a change, all of a sudden I have a little lady, no baby left here.

She is talking up a storm, surprising me with her unlimited vocabulary every day. Soon she will be teaching me new words. Marcus is a joy. He laughs all the time and loves when his big sis plays with him, or even just plays in fromt of him.

We have our 6 month shots coming up and I am eager to see how much he weighs now.

Fingers crossed I will blog with a little more regularity. I will also add some photos once I track down the camera.