Hi Everyone, I have had a very busy couple of weeks.
I have learned how to turn from my stomach to my back! Huge milestone and I did it on May 30th at my friend Danika's house. I can sit up without holding for a little bit - couple of seconds and am loving the independence. I am also screeching. A noise I am so thrilled to make it is when I am happy and also when I have had enough and need a rest.
We are getting ready to go on holiday and the 6 hours in a plane will be fun for Mom and Dad if I screech the whole way!
My cousin Cyrus is crawling so my plan is to watch carefully on holiday and learn all I can.
I had my four month shots and did really well - I also got my hips checked and they are now 100% perfect and I don't have to go back to the Childrens Hospital.
That s all for now folks I have to get ready for my vacation
I actually fell asleep playing with my binoculars!